WTS #1 – Cold Turkey Run 2022

A foreboding morning sky could not deter trail runners hungry for new trails.
A foreboding morning sky could not deter trail runners hungry for new trails.
How many kilometers you got in ya? 6?— 12?— 22?— 30? Ascent Runs has you covered! With four distances to choose from you can challenge yourself and have a thorough tour some of the best trails on Carson’s Westside. Saturday, April 23, 2022Start/Finish: Long Ranch Park, Carson CityCourses: Carson’s Westside Canyons & Trails REGISTRATION IS…
Pre-registration is required through Ultrasignup. There will be no race day registration this season. During check-in, Face coverings must be worn at all times by runners, spectators, event staff and volunteers while in or around the start/finish area. All runners/walkers will be required to answer the COVID-19 Screening Survey Questions, read and sign a Pre-Race…
The Tahoe Dirt&Vert Series finished up strong. Cooler temps lead to two new CR’s at this years #Creek2Peak. Brannon Forrester from Nevada City, CA sets the new men’s CR with a time of 3:16:32. Brannon was on a mission, not even a momma bear and her cub could stop him. 21 miles with 5900’ feet of…
Join your fellow wild ones in Ascent’s Wild Winter Roundup on January 5th, 2019. Winter Trail Series Race #3 is always a good ‘ol time in the foothills of McClellan Peak running with the herd. Sign up online or on race day morning before 8:45am. The race starts at 9am. More info here.
This year due to construction and parking issues we are limiting the run to 350 participants. We expect to sell out this year and will start a wait list once we reach our cap. If you have already registered and know that you cannot make the event, please contact us ASAP so we can open…
Wow! The inaugural CREEK2PEAK race, the second in the Tahoe Dirt&Vert Series, was a hit with the hardy crew that took the challenge. While this is the second year of our Tahoe DIRT&VERT Series, this race had to be canceled last Summer due to the heavy snow year and some major runoff. This year, the…
UPDATE 4/3/18 – The snow is melting quickly on the half marathon course and shouldn’t be a factor on race day. However, there are two other concerns. The first is that repairs are being done to Waterfall Road that leads up to aid station #2 this week and is scheduled to be complete by Friday….
03/30/17 – Looks like it will be plan B for the half marathon course. This option has just as much vertical and will be just as much fun, but will avoid the deeper snow sections. The route will consist of jeep road and single track, pass by and above a waterfall, feature spectacular views of…